Monday, June 8, 2009

Hot Hot Heat

Today's lesson...Gnocchi. First of all I feel like if the dancing zorba can make boiled potatoes look amazing on youtube, then so can I. I'm sure my older sister...aka...Lord of all things food, is reading this and laughing while shaking her head and waving her magic pastry brush, because of course she has made gnocchi her personal potato slave...while I unfortunately have not. Still, with 4 ingredients and my constant vigilance, I feel like I can't really go wrong here. Note to self, must read this fabulous book that Ginger, my most favorite girl and massage therapist keeps talking about. Ah yes, read the book and then be inspired to move to Italy...Another note to self, must make gnocchi my potato slave.
Much Love


Shasta said...

You are right. Your older sister is laughing out loud hysterically. Note to you...don't overcook and one more side note, always serve gnocchi with a cream or cheese sauce. It goes well with it. If you feel absolutely certain that you can cook.....serve it with pesto. YUM!!!!

Sieanne said...

It's like your magic

Shasta said...

Because we move too much. Once we settle down somewhere, trust me, I plan on looking into it.