Thursday, July 16, 2009


So I admit now there are two shows that play at my heartstrings...Extreme makeover:Home edition, and now America's got talent... Needless to say I cry, weep, bawl, literally come undone every sunday and Wednesday.

Much Love


Burt said...

haha mush has a heart! yaya. oh and tommy from our ward just told me that he thought u were cute and that you had a nice butt.....i then told him u must have the wrong person. my sister had no butt.

Matt Young said...

Would it not be glorious for an individual to make it a point to allow everyone to come undone everyday of their life? I know, I know, your thinking "Why in the hell would I want to feel so crazed every day of my life?". But I have to ask, do you not get those insane butterfly stomachs that make you feel as though your a candle melting to a platter? The best part though, of the whole "coming-undone-system", is when that melted wax somehow re-assimilates itself and your now this totally cool candle that has extra colors (and maybe glitter, I really don't know it depends on the person) and you cannot be melted by that same flame again. I suppose that is why it is one of those things in life that is reserved...Sieanne, how are you?