Sunday, November 1, 2009


Elexisas decided to bring home this brave little kitten who apparently survived a road trip, lodged up in the engine of some prats car...Being the present day Florence Nightingale that I am, I decided to take care of Kalinka, our newly russian named kitty, while Lexi showered. Now, my russian is very rusty, so I'm not certain when the cat poo's all over your leg, if that means I love you..or I hate you. Maybe Kalinka isn't Russian...Well, better out than in, that's what I always say!
Much Love!


Burt said...

aww she even looks russian. and to answer your sure adeleigh will be pooping on your lap at some point so well just translate it as love for now:)

Sieanne said...

It's Athalie

KK said...

yeah, get ready for poop (and more) galore on 64

Sieanne said...

If he poo's on you this weekend I'll be so emabarrassed...!