Friday, September 26, 2008

Pee pants magee

When I was maybe 8 or 9, my mum put me and my sister in swim classes at the local pool. It satisfied two things...First, mine and my sisters ridculous summer swimming pool obsession, cute boys, and even cuter swim coaches. It also gave mum maybe 2 hours of play time...mind you, adults play time is never quite the same as the younger shopping, laundry, pitching woo...gross. Ehmm, so diving was an essential part of the swim practice, and I always opted for diving off the edge of the pool, rather than the diving boards. Maybe it was my 8 year old mind, but I knew better than to jump off the board of death into the ocean deep water. However, it only took one so called friend to make fun, calling me a weiner or a baby, and soon, there I was, overlooking the ocean deep from the board of death. This is where my memory becomes hazy...maybe I was pushed...maybe I just jumped and hoped for death...maybe one my so called friends shook the board and I just fell in (I wouldn't at all be suprised). Irregardless, I ended up plunging towards the water, legs still widely seperated...The point of the story is, that my pelvis ended up shifting, which made it impossible to do normal activities, such as going to the loo. I was 8 and had to wear social life was ruined, well at least for the summer...Good thing I wasnt a sloozy (slut/floozy).  I'm now 24, and I work with a group of people who wet themselves quite frequently (second job, not the  salon job) , and I always think to whats your story? If I was to ask, I bet their response would be something like, Well, I am far too lazy to put my clothes on, what make you think I have enough energy to make it to the loo...? Touche

1 comment:

Shasta said...

Your memory might be hazy but here is what happened. You were at the top of the board just standing there waiting for an invitation of some sort to jump in. You were up there for like 5 minutes, and I am not joking about that. After everyone tried to coerce you into jumping I called you a baby and that seemed to make you mad enough, and you jumped....just like you said....legs completely spread. LOL