Monday, December 7, 2009

Papa Razzi....

This is just a list of things that keep me busy...
Elexisas's updo for "Night out on the Red Carpet," which was pretty fancy I must admit. Well, parts were fancy, and by parts I do not mean me...:) The mannequin I dressed for Goody's project Russellville! Not that many people read this, but if you do read this and live in Russellville, go vote for moi! A shopping spree dedicated to Athalie is the prize! Along with a sizeable donation to the American Red Cross. And last but not least, the Gingerbread house salon that I spent all Friday working between clients (may or may not have real hair on it)!! Never made one, but I think I may have found a Christmas tradition! Oh by the way, I won first prize for that award winning graham cracker and decoration icing piece of yumm! *brushing dirt of shoulder*


Burt said...

its snowing. that keeps me busy. i thought you would mention something about me seeing as i am constantly on you thoughts. it is all about me you know. kk well off to fight the snow!

Sieanne said...

haha I'll be sure and blog about you before the year is up...?!